Season introduction

The 2023/24 snooker and billiards season starts on Monday 4th September , and we want to make you aware of the changes since last season.

Use of reserves

We understand that with dates of snooker league matches unable to be moved, it can sometimes be difficult to find a reserve player. To help with this, the rule of using registered players from a lower division has been relaxed to allow two appearances for a team. If a player is used for a third time by a team, that player would then be registered up.

To help captains / teams with knowing the eligibility of players to act as a reserve, a page will be created on the website to refer to.

If a player not registered to the GB&SA is used, a fee of £2.00 per match will be charged to the captain at the end of the season. However, if that player makes a third appearance, the full GB&SA membership fee must be paid within 72 hours to avoid being classed as ineligible.

Remember, it is the captain’s responsibility to field a full team for each match, and failure to do so will result in the captain being fined £10.00 for each missing player.


Season schedule

After last season’s trial of a new schedule, we have reverted to blocks of five weeks for league matches.

With Easter falling early in 2024, the end of the league season has been brought forward to avoid possible absences, but in doing so, that has reduced the number of knockout weeks beforehand. With added pressure of table availability, players should expect a packed KO schedule in between league weeks.

We again ask for your cooperation and commitment to these knockout fixtures to avoid a backlog at the end of the season, and we refer you to point 5a in Section 3 – Match rules for all competitions as a reminder.


New Competitions Secretary

On the subject of knockouts, we welcome Miles Davies to the role previously occupied by Annie Wilkins, with Martyn Desperques again providing assistance. Please give Miles your maximum support as he picks up the reins, and please ensure that your knockout results and queries are either sent to our email or WhatsApp to Miles on 07839 234566.


Team photos

We would like to add more images to our website, so please send in photos of your team in your kit so that we may use them.


Code of Conduct

We all want to see snooker and billiards played in the right spirit. If you haven’t done so already, please read our Code of Conduct, or refresh yourself of what we expect.


We wish all new and established players an enjoyable and successful season.


Scotch Doubles success


Guernsey beaten in team snooker inter insular