1. The Association shall be called “The Guernsey Billiards & Snooker Association” with the object of fostering Amateur Billiards and Snooker played in this Island.
a. The Guernsey Billiards & Snooker Association shall consist of the following classes of members:
i. Affiliated Clubs
ii. Individual Members
b. Membership shall be open to all Clubs whose playing facilities are approved by the Executive Committee. Individual Membership will be open to all persons.
3. THE ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION from the 2020/21 season will be:
a. £20.00 Individual Membership.
b. £60.00 Entry fee for each team entered for the Premier League.
c. £30.00 Entry fee for each team entered for the other Divisions.
d. £20.00 Entry fee for each team entered in the Snooker Straight Knockout.
e. £20.00 Entry fee for each team entered in the Snooker Handicap Knockout.
f. £5.00 Entry fee for each person entered in the Billiards Straight and Handicap League.
g. £5.00 Entry fee per person for each of the individual competitions, including the Pairs Championship.
The Association shall be managed by an Executive Committee comprising the following officers: President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary, Financial Secretary, League Fixtures Secretary, Competition Secretary, Tournament Secretary and Development Officer. The Executive Committee may elect to invite the club delegate of each of the affiliated clubs to Executive Committee meetings as it deems appropriate. In cases where an invited club delegate is unable to attend, he/she may invite a fellow member of the club in question to represent the club in their place, providing that person is also a GB&SA member.
The Island Selection Committee is responsible for the selection of snooker and billiards teams that represent the Island. This covers team inter-insular matches against Jersey and the Home International Series. The Committee consists of two sub-committees, one for snooker and one for billiards, with three members for snooker and a minimum of two for billiards. Election to these sub-committees is determined at the Annual General Meeting, unless a decision cannot be reached at that meeting, in which case the Executive Committee shall determine the elections at its next meeting.
Executive Committee meetings will be arranged as necessary throughout the season. Notice of at least three clear days must be given. All members of the Executive Committee shall have a vote except the President, who shall have a casting vote only. Four officers shall form a quorum.
a. To enforce the Rules as laid down.
b. To hear and determine all applications, complaints or protests and to deal with any violations of the Rules of the G.B. & S.A.
c. To discuss and determine the methods of meeting all financial commitments of the G.B. & S.A.
d. To promote and encourage the game of Snooker and Billiards within the Island and encourage its growth within the amateur game.
e. To take all and any steps necessary for the good conduct of the G.B. & S.A and its members.
f. To take disciplinary action against individuals, teams or clubs, where a breach of the Rules and/or the conduct of such offender(s) may bring the G.B. & S.A. and the game of Snooker and Billiards into disrepute.
g. The onus is on the Executive Committee to take appropriate action if they are aware of any violations of the Rules of the G.B. & S.A. or misconduct by any of its members, even if no official complaint has been made.
h. The drugs policy, as laid down by the Guernsey Sports Commission, will be strictly adhered to.
The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than the third weekend of August each year. Any proposed alterations to the rules must be with the Honorary Secretary by the 30th June, and must have a proposer and seconder – one of whom must attend the AGM for the change to be considered. The Honorary Secretary shall circulate the proposed alterations to rules to all the clubs, together with a copy of the agenda, at least two weeks before the date of the A.G.M. The meeting shall be open to the Executive Committee of the preceding year together with any G.B. & S.A. members. Each club may carry two votes only for the purpose of voting. The President shall have a casting vote only. Alterations to rules can be made only at the A.G.M. or Special General Meeting.
All officers and auditors shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. If two or more candidates are nominated for any office, election shall be by simple majority.