1. The competitions shall be governed by a Council, which shall be known as the “CHANNEL ISLANDS BILLIARDS & SNOOKER CONTROL COUNCIL” (henceforth referred to as the “CIBSCC” or the Council). The Council shall consist of FIVE persons, two delegates from each Island Association and a Chairperson. The Chairperson shall be the President of the Island Association in which the meeting is held. In the event of the President being unable to attend he shall be entitled to nominate a representative. Meetings to be arranged (when necessary) by the respective Honorary Secretary of each Association, who shall record the Minutes.
2. The Competitions shall be played under the Rules of the “Billiards Association and Control Council”. Only players who have played regular League Snooker or Billiards will be considered for selection for Island Teams.
3. The competitions shall be:
Channel Islands Individual Billiards Championship
“R J Collins” Trophy
Channel Islands Individual Snooker Championship
“Evening Press” Trophy
Channel Islands Team Billiards Championship
“The Silver Jubilee” Trophy
Channel Islands Team Snooker Championship
“Lieut-Col R. W. Randall” Challenge Cup
Channel Islands Snooker Upton
“Upton” Trophy
4. The Association of the Island in which the match takes place (the ‘Host Island’) shall nominate the locale of the table(s) on which matches shall be played. The Association will also be responsible for the appointment of Referees and Markers.
5. Standard aramith balls shall be used.
6. No charge shall be made to witness any match. Collections will be permissible.
7. The Competitions, in the case of Individuals, shall be contested between the Amateur Champions of Guernsey and Jersey; in the case of Teams, between Amateur Players selected by a recognised Island Section Committee in each Island. All shall be bona-fide “Resident Players”. “Resident Players” shall mean that they have been domiciled in their respective Islands for two months preceding the Championships.
8. The Matches shall be played annually, over two weekends, one in each island on an alternating basis.
(i) The Individual Snooker Match, Snooker Upton and Team Billiards will be held on the third full weekend of April, played on Friday and Saturday.
(ii) The Individual Billiards Match and Team Snooker will be held on the fourth full weekend of April, played on Friday and Saturday.
(iii) Should Easter fall on either weekend, the Matches will be moved by mutual agreement of the respective Associations before the commencement of the season.
(iv) Any further changes to the dates of the Matches must be made by agreement of both Associations by no later than 31 January, and only where it is in the interest of both Associations to do so.
9. In the event of an Individual Champion Billiards or Snooker player being unavailable to participate in either match, the Selection Committee of that Island shall be empowered to select a deputy player (preferably losing finalist) to play in their stead.
10. The two captains or authorised representatives of each team shall meet before the match. Both captains or representatives shall be in possession of a list of team members placed in order of seeding as selected by the respective Island Selection Committees.
11. The format of the Team matches will be as follows:
(i) Both teams will consist of four players, with each player to play one match of 45 minutes against each of the other team’s four players.
(ii) Four tables will be in use throughout the match, with the order of play according to the following rankings:
Rotation 1: 1v2 and 3v4
Rotation 2: 1v4 and 2v3
Rotation 3: 1v3 and 2v4
Rotation 4: 4v4, 3v3, 2v2 and 1v1.
(iii) The score from each match will be recorded.
(iv) An interval of no more than 15 minutes will be held between each rotation.
(v) Provided a stroke commences within the allotted 'frame' time the completed stroke will be permitted to stand along with any score or penalty points resulting from it.
(vi) Scoring for the match will be:
Two points for a win
One point for a draw
(vii) The team with the most points at the completion of all 16 matches will be the winner. In the event of a tie, the team with the most aggregate points will be the winner. In the event that a tie still exists, each Captain will nominate a player to play one match of 100 up to determine a winner.
(i) Both teams will consist of five players, with each player to play one frame against each of the other team’s five players, whereby each frame won shall be awarded one point.
(ii) All 25 frames to be played over two sessions.
The order of play for the first session consisting of 14 frames will be according to the following rankings: 1v4; 3v5; 2v4; 1v5; 2v3; 4v5; 1v3.
The order of play for the first 6 frames of the second session will be according to the following rankings: 2v5; 3v4; 1v2.
The order of play for the remaining 5 frames will be: 5v5; 4v4; 3v3; 2v2; 1v1.
(iii) The team with the most points at the completion of all 25 matches will be the winner.
(i) Both teams will consist of four players, with each player to play one frame against each of the other team’s four players, whereby each frame won shall be awarded one point.
(ii) Four tables will be in use throughout the match, with the order of play according to the following rankings:
Rotation 1: 1v2 and 3v4
Rotation 2: 1v4 and 2v3
Rotation 3: 1v3 and 2v4
Rotation 4: 4v4, 3v3, 2v2 and 1v1.
(iii) The team with the most points at the completion of all 16 matches will be the winner. In the event of a tie, each Captain will nominate a player to play one frame to determine a winner.
12 Intervals shall be allowed in individual competitions, to be regulated by the Referee.
13 Prizes: In Team Inter Insulars, gold and silver medals shall be awarded, whereby gold medals will be presented to the winners. Additional medals will be presented to the player(s) with the highest break; and the player(s) who wins the most frames in Team Snooker. All medals to be of an agreed design used jointly by both Islands. Miniature Trophies shall be awarded to Individual players. Each Island to be responsible for the supplying aforesaid miniatures for the matches played in that Island.
14 All trophies under the jurisdiction of the CIBSCC shall be insured and the cost of insurance to be equally shared between the Island Associations.
15 Any matter unprovided for in these rules shall be decided upon by the CIBSCC at the first available meeting.
UPTON Selection (Guernsey only)
Team selection to compete for the Upton Trophy will be based on Premier Division aggregates to form a 'B Inter Insular' against Jersey. The top four in the aggregates will be selected, with the exclusion of:
a. Those players selected to play in the full inter-insular in the same season; and
b. Those players who have competed in the full inter insular on more than one previous occasion.
In the event of a tie between two or more players with the lowest number of aggregate frames, the following criteria will be used to determine selection:
1. Highest aggregate win percentage – must have played a minimum of 85% of games.
2. If aggregate win percentage is the same, best head-to-head record between the players concerned during the regulation league season.
3. If head-to-head record fails to differentiate the players, a play-off will be arranged between the players, format to be determined by the Executive Committee.